dimanche 8 juillet 2007

The End...

It's happened...
The end of our exchange experience.
But this end is the birth of a book.

^And let's go to Paris.............

dimanche 17 juin 2007


^ Hello everybody & dear fan of Vive les Tulipes...
Our Blog is making a break, because we are close to the end of our trip.
And we have lot of work to do before leaving.
Last events was departure of Nadia, follow by Kasia one week later...
The house is almost empty now, but we are in the work and almost ready to come back.

See you soon

^ Bonjour à tous & à toutes les fans de Vive les Tulipes...
Notre Blog prend une pause, car nous sommes proches de la fin de notre séjour,
et nous avons énormément de travail à effectuer avant de partir.
Les derniers événements furent le départ de Nadia, suivi de celui de Kasia une semaine plus tard.
Aujourd'hui, la maison est presque vide, mais nous sommes plongés dans notre travail et presque près pour notre retour.
A Bientôt

Will & Jul

dimanche 27 mai 2007

Coin Coin Time 2

^ We had to try it !
Nous nous devions d'essayer

^ Thanks to all ducks who has taken part !
Merci à tous les canards participants !

New trip in Amsterdam

Let's go again for Amsterdam ! We have to buy fabrics, foam and Kasia wants to see the city.
C'est reparti pour Amsterdam ! On doit acheter du tissus, de la mousse et surtout, montrer la ville à Kasia.

^ On the way, we have to find something to do.
Sur le chemin, on s'occupe comme on peut.

^ And when we arrive, we need to find our way as we can.
Et une fois arrivé, on trouve son chemin comme on peut.

^ Where are we ?
On est où ?

^ And sometimes, we have some surprises,
like the visit of this typographer.

Et parfois, on a des surprises,
Comme la visite de ce typographe.

^ We even had the chance to watch
an exclusive demonstration
of its manner of working and its tools.

On a même eu le droit à une démo exclusive
de sa manière de travailler et de ses outils.

^ The result is one gift-memory-puzzle-business-card-with-a-shape-of-B.
"B" like Boujon and Benayoun...
We invite you to visit his website:

Le résultat est un cadeau-souvenir-carte-de-visite-en-forme-de-B.
"B" comme Boujon et Benayoun.

^ Let's go ?
C'est reparti ?

No comment.

^ Still by chance, here we are in the Belgian arts centre.
It is an ecologist exhibition on recycling, probably.

Encore par hasard, nous voici cette fois dans le centre culturel belge.
C'est une exposition écolo sur le recyclage, probablement.

^ Yes, it is ...
Oui, ça en est une ...

^ And they thought about everyting for the future.
Here the food presented after a lecture.
In the disorder : jam of larvae, pâté of rat, bark of tree, worms, cockroach, lemon, eggs, tomato.

Et ils pensent à tout pour le futur. Voici la nourriture servie à la suite d'une conférence.
Dans le désordre : confiture de larves, pâté de rat, écorce d'arbre, vers, cafard, citron, oeufs, tomate.

^ I will maybe take some champain instead of this menu.
Je crois que je vais plutôt prendre un peu de champagne.

^ A little break after all these emotions.
Une petite pause pour se remettre.

^ And we continue with Droog Design.
Et la suite se passe chez Droog Design.

^ With books, objects ...
Avec des livres, des objets ...

^ and a nice space.
More informations on :

^ et un espace bien sympathique.

^ Such a good week-end ...
It's a pity that the end was the burgling of the Twingo !
The police will say later that it was the least sure car park area of Amsterdam.
Ha !

^ Ah la la, c'était bien ce week-end ...
Dommage que ça se finisse par le cambriolage de la Twingo !
La police dira plus tard que c'était la place la moins sûre d'Amsterdam.
Ha !

mercredi 16 mai 2007


Today, we show some experiments with the ceramic workshop.

^ first of all, we would like
to introduce you the liquid clay.


our aim: to know how works the liquid clay

^ an easy beginning, the cup.

^ after the clay.

^ meeting about the experiments.

^ some tests.

^ now, it's the time to glaze it.

^ in the special room

^ Erik KOK the professional

^ the glaze before the second firing

^ Will the teacher explains how works the glaze


our aim : to play with molds, gap and superposition

^ some slices

^ some combinations, more and more complex

^ first pieces

our aim : to experiment a cheap clay fired in high temperature
for the ceramic department instructor

^ first crapy results



lundi 14 mai 2007

Opening exhibition...

This friday it was the Opening exhibition in the "Pluto" squat of Enschede

^ The artists : Klaus (Austria), Manuel (Spain) and Mit (Spain)

Program :

^ Pictures (Manuel),

^ videos (Mit)
More Mit ?
cliquez ici

^ & Klaus's work...

^ And, after an opening... Party with exchange students...

^ The famous taller Dutch...

^ The Queen's Squat...

^ Some irritated Stars...

^ And strange others...
^ Funny opening !

jeudi 10 mai 2007

* Creative workshop & Advertising *

Today is a special day!
It's Creative Workshop & Advertising day in 239 Lipperkerstraat.

1- For The Creative Worshop,
You need

^ two spray cans

^ a carpet

^ and a living-room

2- Advertising

Because in Netherlands, a lot of houses have a Big window like us...
SO ! We had to use it !

^ and "HELLO" to all our neighbours !